Safety Training Courses
The main rules defining the training obligations in the field of safety and hygiene at work are D.Lgs. 81/08 and related agreements State Regions, DM 10/1998 and DPR 388/2003.
Training courses, depending on what is required by the legislator, can be provided in presence (or classroom), online (in web-conference or FAD) or e-learning (via specific platform)
Let’s see in detail what safety training courses Safetyone Engineering provides, the specifications, the duration and the periodicity of updating.

Training course for workers
Training courses are compulsory for all workers (excluding self-employed workers and employers) or equivalent (apprentices, seasonal workers, casual workers, trainees, apprentices, etc.)
The course consists of 2 modules:
- General training (4 hours) lasting 4 hours
- Specific training of varying duration depending on the risk class:
- Low-risk workers course (4 hours)
- Average-risk workers course (8 hours)
- High-risk workers course (12 hours)
To see which risk class your company belongs to, see the risk class table.
The general training does not require updating, while the specific training provides for an update of 6 hours (equal for all risk classes) every 5 years.
The subjects that organize or supervise the activity of other workers need specific training in reference to the provisions of art. 37 of Legislative Decree. 81/2008 and point 5 of the Agreement State Regions of 21/12/2011.
The course has a duration of 8 hours and provides a five-year update of 6 hours.
The supervisors are also obliged to attend the training course as workers (the duration of which depends on the level of risk – low, medium, high).
The updating of the course as a supervisor is valid as an updating of workers.
Those who play the role of manager in the company must follow a specific training course of 16 hours, the contents of which are identified in the State Agreement Regions of 21/12/11 and concern the legal and regulatory environment of occupational safety and health, how to manage safety in the company and its organizational and management models.
The periodic updating provides a mountain of 6 hours of training every 5 years.
Managers are not required to be trained as workers.
The employer has the obligation to identify an adequate number of fire and evacuation emergency managers within their company.
Depending on the level of risk, inferable from DM 10/03/98 Annex IX, the employees may be:
- Low risk firefighters (4 hours)
- Average fire hazard (8 hours)
- High risk fire brigade (16 hours)
The courses are valid for three years and the updating lasts from 2 to 8 hours (depending on the level of risk).
The employer has an obligation to identify an adequate number of health emergency management personnel within their company.
Depending on the level of risk, inferable from DPR 388/2003, the employees may be:
- Low risk first responders – Class C (12 hours)
- First aid workers medium risk – class B (12 hours)
- First responders high risk – class A (16 hours).
The courses are valid for three years and the updating lasts from 4 to 6 hours (depending on the level).
The role of RSPP can be filled by the Employer (when possible by law) and in this case the course has a duration ranging from 16 to 48 hours (depending on the level of company risk) or by an employee/ external consultant. In the latter case, three modules are required: Module A (lasting 28 hours) Module B (with a minimum duration of 48, plus a specialization module varying between 12 and 16 hours for some Ateco sectors) and finally Module C lasting 24 hours.
As indicated by art. 37, paragraph 10 of Legislative Decree. 81/08 the Workers’ Representative for Safety (SGM) is entitled to specific training in health and safety. The specific arrangements, duration and content of the training shall be determined by national collective bargaining. The minimum duration of the courses is 32 hours while the update varies from 4 to 8 hours a year depending on the number of employees in force to the company.