
Glossary of occupational safety roles

Even today, more than 25 years after the entry into force of Legislative Decree 626 of 1994 and Legislative Decree 494 of 1996 (former Construction Site Directive) we hear about Company Safety Manager or Site Safety Manager.

Actually, these terms do not exist and identify the erroneous and decades-old belief that responsibilities concerning safety at work fall exclusively on a subject (holder of all responsibilities) both within a company and a construction site.

The precise will of the legislator has always been to identify a multiplicity of implementing subjects, with different responsibilities or guarantee positions, in order to guarantee compliance with safety standards in the workplace.

As can be seen from the long list below, the professional and technical figures who cover tasks and roles in the field of safety are many, figures to which acronyms have often been associated that are difficult to understand for newcomers to the subject.

The purpose of this glossary is to identify in a clear and specific manner the main roles / tasks defined by Legislative Decree 81/08 reporting references to the articles of law that identify the tasks of these figures, as well as the reference to in-depth readings on our blog.

We apologize to the experts of the subject if this glossary does not define all the roles reported in Legislative Decree 81/08.


Fire Prevention Officer

The Fire Prevention Officer is the subject appropriately trained on fire prevention issues and how to evacuate the workplace, appointed by the Employer to intervene on potential fires of modest entity or to implement the first actions to contain a potential fire, pending the arrival of the firefighters.

The aforementioned must have basic knowledge on how to extinguish a fire through fire extinguishers and hoses, on how to manage evacuation and on calling the firefighters.

This figure is always mandatory in the company.

Regulatory references: Art.45 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and Ministerial Decree 388/03.


First Aid Officer

The First Aid Officer is the appropriately trained subject but without medical qualifications, appointed by the Employer to implement the first rescue actions towards colleagues or customers in case of need such as illness, heart attack or traumatic event, waiting for the arrival of health personnel.

The first responder must have basic knowledge of pathologies and traumas in the workplace.

This figure is always mandatory in the company.

Regulatory references: Art.45 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and Ministerial Decree 388/03.



The Customer is the private or legal entity on whose behalf the work is carried out, or a temporary or mobile construction site is prepared in which construction or civil engineering works are carried out.

In the case of a public work, the client is the person with the decision-making and expenditure power relating to the contract in question.

The tasks of the Works Manager are defined by Article 90 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

For further information on the role of the Client.


Safety Coordinator in the Design Phase (CSP)

The Safety Coordinator in the Design phase is the person appointed by the Client or the Works Manager to draw up, as part of a temporary and mobile construction site, the Safety and Coordination Plan (PSC) and the Technical File of the work (FT).

The obligations of the Safety Coordinator during the Design phase are defined by Article 91 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

This figure is mandatory in case of application of Title IV of Legislative Decree 81/08.

For further information on the role of the CSP.


Safety Coordinator in the Execution Phase (CSE)

The Safety Coordinator during the Execution phase is the person appointed by the Client or the Works Manager to verify compliance with safety regulations on site, to control and validate the Safety Operational Plans (POS) of the companies and to coordinate field activities, in order to avoid interference risks.

The obligations of the Safety Coordinator during the Execution phase are defined by Article 92 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

This figure is mandatory in case of application of Title IV of Legislative Decree 81/08.

For further information on the role of the CSE.


Employer (DL)

The Employer is the holder of the decision-making and spending powers of the company or production unit and the holder of the employment relationship with the worker. In private companies, the employer generally coincides with the owner of the company. In the context of large companies, except for specific delegation, the employer generally coincides with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

In public administrations, the Employer is the manager with management powers or the official in charge, identified by the top management bodies, with autonomous decision-making and spending powers.

The obligations of the Employer are defined by Article 18 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

For further information on the role of the Employer.


Manager (DIR)

The Manager is the person who implements the directives of the Employer, organizing the work activity and supervising it.

In the event that the Employer avails himself of the institution of delegation, he can transfer one or more tasks to a Manager who takes the name of Delegated Manager. This institution is generally formalized by notarial proxy.

This figure is optional in the company.

The obligations of the Manager are defined by Article 18 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

For further information on the role of the Manager.


Qualified Expert (EQ)

The Qualified Expert or Radiation Protection Expert (EDR) is the subject with professional skills and qualifications to control and monitor sources of ionizing radiation (RI) in order to protect workers and the potentially exposed population. Among the main tasks, in support of the Employer, the Qualified Expert carries out the radiation protection assessment, the examination and verification of equipment, environmental surveillance in controlled and supervised areas as well as verifying the correct adoption of instruments and means of measurement and the methods of disposal of materials;

This figure is mandatory in case of risk from Ionizing Radiation.

The specific reference legislation is Legislative Decree 101/2020.



The worker is the person who carries out a work activity within a private or public company.

Workers are defined as anyone who works in any capacity within an organisation with or without remuneration. For the purpose of calculating the number of company workers, interns, volunteers, cooperative workers and students who use work equipment or display screens or who are exposed to chemical, physical and biological agents are also considered workers.

The obligations of the worker are defined by Article 20 of Legislative Decree 81/08.


Licensed Physician (MA)

The Authorized Doctor is a Competent Doctor qualified to carry out the activity of Medical Radiation Protection, or any type of medical surveillance for workers exposed to ionizing radiation.

In particular, the Authorized Doctor carries out the health surveillance of exposed workers of category A and B and the surveillance of the special intervention teams.

This figure is mandatory in case of risk from Ionizing Radiation.

The obligations of the Authorized Doctor are defined by Article 139 of Legislative Decree 101/2020.


Competent Doctor (MC)

The Competent Doctor is the doctor in possession of the specialization in occupational medicine or equivalent who is appointed by the Employer to carry out health surveillance in the company, to collaborate in the drafting of the Risk Assessment Document and to verify the healthiness of the workplace.

The appointment of the Competent Doctor can be made by a Delegated Manager.

This figure is mandatory in the company only if workers are subject to mandatory health surveillance.

The obligations of the Competent Doctor are defined by Article 25 of Legislative Decree 81/08.


Medical Coordinator

The Coordinating Physician is the doctor who coordinates the activity of one or more Competent Doctors defined as Coordinated Doctors.

The appointment of the Medical Coordinator is adopted in the case of large companies or companies with several production units located throughout the country. The main role of the Coordinating Doctor is to homogenize health protocols and the management of health surveillance within the company.

This figure is optional.

The obligations of the Competent Doctor are defined by Article 25 of Legislative Decree 81/08.


Warned Person (PAV)

In the context of electrical works in the proximity, under and out of voltage, the Warned Person is the person adequately informed by experienced persons to avoid electricity-related risks.

This figure/training is mandatory only in the case of electrical work.

Legislative references: CEI 11-27:2014 and CEI EN 50110-1:2014


Eligible Person (PEI)

The Eligible Person is the person who is recognized as having the technical ability to perform specific live work in the context of electrical work.

This figure/training is mandatory only in the case of electrical work.

Legislative references: CEI 11-27:2014 and CEI EN 50110-1:2014


Expert Person (PES)

The Expert Person is the person with education, knowledge and professional experience that allows him to assess risks and carry out activities in the context of electrical works in proximity, under and out of voltage.

This figure/training is mandatory only in the case of electrical work.

Legislative references: CEI 11-27:2014 and CEI EN 50110-1:2014



The Supervisor is the person who supervises and controls the activity of other workers and who has the task of ensuring the implementation of the directives received, checking the correct execution of the work and exercising a functional power of initiative according to the nature of the assignment conferred.

The person in charge has no managerial duties and generally coincides with identifiable roles such as Office Manager, Team Leader, Shift Manager, Site Manager etc.

In the event that a worker coordinates the work of other people, due to previous experience, capacity or seniority, in the absence of a formal appointment and / or specific training, the subject is defined as “de facto appointee” and is still civilly and criminally liable for the role actually held.

This figure is optional.

The obligations of the Person in charge are defined by Article 19 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

For further information on the role of the person in charge.


Head of the Prevention and Protection Service or Safety Manager (RSPP)

The Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP) is the professional figure designated by the Employer to coordinate the company prevention and protection service and to support the company in the analysis of risk factors and in the choice of the most appropriate prevention and protection measures.

The appointment of the RSPP cannot be delegated by the Employer.

In order to cover the role of RSPP, the subject must have a high school diploma, skills appropriate to the nature of the role held and specific training requirements defined by the legislation.

This figure is mandatory in the company in the case of one or more employees.

The obligations of the prevention and protection service are defined by Article 33 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

For further information on the role of RSPP.


Prevention and Protection Service Officer or Safety Manager Assistant (ASPP)

The Prevention and Protection Service Officer (ASPP) is the subject who carries out his activity within the company prevention and protection service, reporting functionally and operationally to the SPP Manager.

In order to play the role of ASPP, the subject must have a high school diploma, skills appropriate to the nature of the role held and specific training requirements defined by the legislation.

This figure is optional in the company.

The obligations of the Prevention and Protection Service are defined by Article 33 of Legislative Decree 81/08.


Workers’ Safety Representative (RLS)

The Workers’ Safety Representative is the person elected or appointed by the workers who has the task of representing them for all aspects concerning health and safety at work.

In the event that the number of company employees exceeds 15 units, the RLS is appointed or elected within the company trade union representatives.

This figure is mandatory in the company in the case of one or more employees.

The tasks of the Workers’ Safety Representative are defined by Article 47 of Legislative Decree 81/08.


Workers’ Representative for Territorial Security (RLST)

The workers’ representative for territorial security (RLST) is the person who represents the workers towards the company, in the event that an internal RLS is not elected.

The appointment of the RLST provides for the payment of an annual contribution to be paid by the Employer, related to the total number of employees.

This figure is optional (alternative to RLS).

The tasks of the Territorial Workers’ Representative are defined by Article 48 of Legislative Decree 81/08.


Works Manager or Works Supervisor for Safety (RDL)

The Works Manager is the subject that the Client can appoint, in order to delegate part or all of the control and supervision tasks assigned to them by current legislation, within a Temporary and Mobile Construction Site.

In public works, the Works Manager coincides with the Sole Responsible for the Procedure (RUP)

This figure is optional in the private sector.

The tasks of the Works Manager are defined by Article 90 of Legislative Decree 81/08.