ISO certifications
Assistance and advice for ISO Series System Certifications
In comparison with public and private customers Safetyone Ingegneria Srl is able to provide professional advice and offer full assistance, thanks to highly qualified resources, in order to obtain the required and necessary System certifications.
Among the objectives of our continuous assistance there is the definition of the most efficient System Model, preparing the procedures and the system of delegations, supporting the company until obtaining the required certification, periodically check the correct maintenance of the system.

ISO 45001 certification
From 12 March 2018, the new ISO 45001 standard on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems is in force. UNI ISO 45001 specifies the requirements for a Management System for Health and Safety at Work (SSL) and provides a guide for its use.
La norma è applicabile a qualsiasi organizzazione, indipendentemente dalle dimensioni, tipo e attività, che desideri creare, attuare e mantenere un sistema di gestione per migliorare la salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro, eliminare i pericoli e minimizzare i rischi per la SSL.
The rule is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type and activity, that wishes to create, implement and maintain a management system to improve health and safety at work, eliminate hazards and minimize risks to OSH.
The advantages
An ISO 45001 certified company can guarantee a Health and Safety Management System in the workplace that complies with international standards. The main benefits are:
- Reduction of thought and administrative responsibilities of the Legislative Decree. (art. 30 of Legislative Decree 81/08);
- Improvement of the safety culture in the company;
- Greater efficiency and consequent reduction in accidents and waste of time in the production phase;
- Greater control of risks and reduction of dangers by defining objectives, goals and responsibilities;
- Control of legislative compliance;
- Improvement of the company’s image regarding safety and health at work;
- Reduction of insurance costs without wasting time on the part of the company;
- Greater chance of participating and winning tenders and tenders.
BS OHSAS 18001
For companies already certified BS OHSAS 18001:2007, Safetyone Ingeneria is able to provide support and consultancy in the migration to the new ISO 45001 standard. In fact, BS OHSAS 18001 certifications will not enjoy any recognition from March 2021.
This standard has the advantage of being easily integrated with other management systems compliant with specific standards, thus allowing the company to create an Integrated System, with the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 standards.
ISO 9001 certification
ISO 9001 is aimed at any type of organization, any sector and size. It’s the internationally recognized standard for quality management. This standard allows to respond simultaneously to several factors, both from a commercial and organizational and productive point of view.
The advantages
The ISO 9001 model represents a strategic tool as it brings to the company many advantages, allowing to:
- Improve credibility and image;
- Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty;
- Control costs and increase productivity;
- To reduce waste;
- Engage and motivate employees to generate value to the company;
- Possibility to enter new markets;
- Customer Satisfaction: monitoring and improvement of customer satisfaction;
- Greater chance to participate and win calls and races.
ISO 9001 is also a good starting point for the implementation of many other management standards, such as ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management and 45001:2016 for the management of Occupational Safety and Prevention: they have the same structure and are perfectly integrable. The company can then create and implement an Integrated System.
ISO 14001 certification
ISO 14001 is a voluntary international standard, applicable to any type of organization, that specifies the requirements of an environmental management system. This standard allows the company to reap several benefits, such as:
The advantages
- Control and maintenance of legislative compliance and monitoring of environmental performance;
- Reduction of waste (water consumption, energy resources, etc.);
- Support tool for investment or technological change decisions;
- Ensuring a systematic and pre-ordered approach to environmental emergencies;
- Better relationship and communication with the authorities;
- Improvement of corporate image and reputation;
- Implementation of defined modalities for the prevention of environmental crimes;
- Greater chance to participate and win calls and races.
This standard has the advantage of being easily integrated with other management systems compliant with specific standards, allowing the company to create an Integrated System, with ISO 9001, ISO 45001.
What advice does Safetyone Engineering offer?
For customers who wish to become certified, Safetyone Engineering can provide professional advice and offer highly qualified resources to:
Define the management model
Preparing the procedures and the System
Support the company in obtaining the Certification
Periodically check the correct maintenance of the System