Thematic and Personalized Courses
In reference to art. 37 of TUS the Employer must ensure that each worker receives sufficient and adequate training on the risks related to the job and the possible damage and the consequent measures and procedures of prevention and protection characteristic of the sector or sector of membership of the company.
According to paragraph 3 of the same article must also ensure that it receives sufficient and adequate training on the specific risks referred to in the titles of Legislative Decree. 81/08 (although of course specific competence)
The duration, minimum content and modalities of training are defined by the State-Regions Agreements.

The minimum compulsory training for workers is therefore precisely defined by the State Region Agreements, but this does not exempt the RSPP from having to propose (and the Employer from organizing) specific or thematic courses when certain risk factors constitute an element of potential criticality in the company.
It should not be forgotten that one of the tools to reduce the residual risk, after the adoption of preventive and protective measures, is the provision of specific training courses (that is, the adoption of the K factor to reduce the residual risk).
Training has a key role to play in reducing the likelihood of occurrence, as it enables workers to identify potential hazards and consciously take action or behaviour that avoids an accident at work or an occupational disease.
Safetyone has been organizing SPECIFIC or THEMATIC COURSES for over twenty years, in some cases imposed by specific legal regulations (in bold) on the following topics:
- Covid-19 risk course (imposed by the DPCM 24 April 2020)
- PES/PAV Course
- Course in confined spaces
- Chemical risk course
- Noise risk course
- Vibration risk course
- Biological risk course
- Course risk legionella
- MMC risk course
- ATEX risk course
- Risk course from above
- ROA risk course
- EMC risk course
- Seismic risk course
- Fire risk course
- Tutoring course for the disabled
Safetyone Engineering also provides CUSTOMIZED COURSES based on the specific needs of customers.
Through a dedicated and shared design with the customer, Safetyone provides training sessions whose content is shaped according to business processes, risk factors or specific needs and contingencies.
These courses can be taken at the Customer, at the Safetyone site or online in FAD mode.